First technical report of the VIPER project (2016)
Second technical report of the VIPER project (2017)
Third technical report of the VIPER project (2018)
Final report – conclusions in the VIPER project (2018)
Other results:
- Mathematical Models for the components of the electric propulsion unit.
- Development of control operation of electric propulsion system (in Simulink).
- Co-simulation platform, by using Prescan and Simulink, for the energy management on board of an electric vehicle (electric scooter) – control via a Thrustmaster pedal-wheel system.
- Co-simulation for FPGA control of a propulsion unit by using a Digilent-Anvyl board.
- Construction of a modular platform, using virtual reality concept, to simulate the behavior of an electric vehicle.

Published papers:
- G. Tamas, D. Fodorean, Model in the Loop Simulation of an Electric Propulsion System Using Virtual Reality, IEEE UPEC 2017, Crete, Greece, 29 August – 1 September 2017.
- Ioana Gros, C.Mărginean, D. Fodorean, FPGA Real-Time Implementation of a Vector Control Scheme for a PMSM used to propel an Electric Scooter, IEEE ISEEE, Galati, Romania, 20-22 October 2017.
- Cristi Irimia, Mihail Grovu, Calin Husar, Antonya Csaba, D. Fodorean, High-Speed Electrical Machine,
, IEEE VVPC'17, 11-14 December, Belfort-France 2017.
- Claudia Violeta Pop, D. Fodorean, C. Husar, C. Irimia, Structural numerical and experimental comparison of an in-wheel motor dedicated for electric scooter application, , IEEE ELEKTRO, Mikulov, Czeck Republick, 21-23 May 2018, paper TCP3-15, pp.1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-4759-2/18.
- D. Fodorean, R.C. Nacu, V. Chindris, Development of High-Frequency Modular Power Control Unit for Real-Time Testing of a High-Speed Electric Motor, SPEEDAM 2018, Amalfi, Italy, 20 – 22 June 2018, pp.920-925, ISBN ISBN: 978-1-5386-4940-4.
- R.C. Nacu, D. Fodorean, C. Husar, M. Grovu, C. Irimia, Towards autonomous EV by using Virtual Reality and Prescan-Simulink simulation environments, SPEEDAM 2018, Amalfi, Italy, 20 – 22 June 2018, pp.402-407, ISBN ISBN: 978-1-5386-4940-4.
- T. Gyorgy, D. Fodorean, Human-in-the-Loop simulation of an electric vehicle drivetrain, ICEM 2018, Alexandrion, Greece, 3-6 September 2018, pp.1545-1550, ISBN 978-1-5386-2476-0, pp.1545-1550.
- Claudia Violeta Pop, D. Fodorean, C. Husar, C. Irimia, Structural behavior evaluation of an in-wheel motor based on numerical and experimental approach, ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Springer, Archiv für Elektrotechnik (Springer, ISI journal – ISSN 0948-7921 – accepted paper).